Today is World Gynaecologic Oncology Day #WorldGODay – a day where patients and advocates around the world unite to raise awareness about all five gynaecological cancers (cervical, ovarian, uterine, vaginal and vulval cancers) and their risk factors.

World GO Day aims to educate people worldwide about the importance of sharing information in relation to prevention, screening, symptoms, early diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological cancers.

As part of this awareness it’s been an honour to work with the Irish Society of Gynaecological Oncology on the ISGO Podcast series hosted by Dr. Doireann O’Leary.

This podcast series combines people’s personal experience with gynaecological cancers with the latest evidence based information from experts in their field. The aim is to educate, support and empower people living with, or working in, gynaecological oncology.

Episode 1: The Lived Experience of Genetic Testing. Krista tells her story of having preventative surgery after learning she had a BRCA gene mutation. Kat tells us about her experience of Ovarian and Endometrial (Uterine) cancers and Lynch Syndrome.

Episode 2: Ovarian Cancer and PARP Inhibitors: Dr. Dearbhaile Collins, Consultant Medical Oncologist explains medications called PARP Inhibitors, a recent breakthrough in ovarian cancer treatment. Jenny tells us of her experience of living with ovarian cancer and taking a PARP Inhibitor.

Episode 3: Redefining Palliative Care: Dr. Karie Dennehy and Dr. Miriam Colleran, Consultants in Palliative Medicine help us to understand their role and how they support patients and families. Anne shares her own experience of palliative care and ovarian cancer.

Episode 4: Psychosexual Impact of Fertility Treatment and Cancer. Dr. Doireann speaks with Tasmin who discusses the impact of fertility and cancer treatment had, and still has, on her relationship. Dr. Yvonne O’Meara, Systemic Psychotherapist and Psychosocial Oncologist, gives expert insight into the psychosexual impact of cancer on relationships.

Episode 5: Lived experience of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease: Dr. John Coulter, Consultant Obstetrician, Gynaecological Oncologist and Clinical Lead of the National Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Centre at Cork University Maternity Hospital where he explains Gestational Trophoblastic Disease, also known as ‘Molar Pregnancy’. Rachel, who is a patient advocate, shares her own experience of what it is like to have a Molar Pregnancy and the impact it has had on her life.

Episode 6: Public and Patient Involvement: PPI is where patients and members of the public get involved in cancer research, working in partnership with healthcare professionals, scientists, allied health, to improve the patient experience and to ultimately make an impact on patient outcomes. In this episode Dr Doireann speaks with Sharon O’Toole, senior research fellow at Trinity College Dublin working in the area of gynaecological cancer, ISGO Board member and co-founded their patient and public involvement (PPI) group.

Bridget, who is a patient advocate, also explains what motivates her to get involved in PPI projects, how she protects herself psychologically and emotionally whilst advocating for patients.

Symptoms of gynaecological cancer vary depending on the type of cancer.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms below for 2 weeks or more please speak to your G.P.

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