Breakthrough Cancer Research continuously demonstrates openness, transparency and integrity to our donors, supporters, volunteers and funding partners by adhering rigorously to the triple lock standards set out by the Charities Institute Ireland – ethical fundraising, transparent annual financial reporting and governance.

There are 11,500 charities registered with the Charities Regulator of which only 119 are Triple Locked.

We are proud to maintain this high level of governance and integrity.

1. Good Fundraising : Commitment to Standards in Fundraising Practice Click to open

The Board of Breakthrough has formally adopted, is signed up to and is fully committed to achieving the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations Fundraising from the Public.

The Guidelines exists to:

  • Improve fundraising practice
  • Promote high levels of accountability and transparency by organisations fundraising from the public
  • Provide clarity and assurances to donors and prospective donors about the organisations they support.

We, Breakthrough Cancer Research, have considered the Guidelines and believe we meet the standards it sets out.


  • Read the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations Fundraising from the Public here (pdf)
  • Visit the Charities Institute of Ireland (CII) website here
  • Read our Public Compliance Statement here
  • Read our Donor Charter here
  • Read our Complaints and Feedback Procedure here
2. Annual Financial Reporting : Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) Click to open

Breakthrough’s annual accounts are independently audited every year by Moore Ireland. We prepare our accounts in accordance with Irish accounting standards and with reference to the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) for charities.

This is a comprehensive framework that enables us to explain what we aim to do, how we go about it and what we achieve. You can download and view our most recent audited accounts by clicking below:

2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

3. Governance : Governance Code for the Community and Voluntary Sector Click to open

Breakthrough Cancer Research is fully compliant with the Governance Code for Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations, and the Charities Governance Code as set out by the Charities Regulator in 2018.

Breakthrough’s Charity No: CHY19801

Registered Charity No (RCN): 20077945