Patch tanning shows where your skin has been put at risk, so it’s never a good look.
Ireland has one of the highest mortality rates for melanoma in Europe – outdoor workers and outdoor sports people are in a high risk group – 25% of those diagnosed with melanoma are outdoor workers.
In addition, men are more likely to die from melanoma than women so we need to reach as many of them as possible!
Today we release a series of films that take a light-hearted look at a deadly serious subject.
On the areas of skin you can’t cover up or keep in the shade, please be sure to apply your high factor SPF carefully, so you’re 100% covered.
Share or tag someone you know who needs to hear this so we can get the message to them!
The only safe tan is a fake tan.
Don’t skip a bit where you apply your sunscreen.
Let’s #makemoresurviors Let’s get to #100percenttogether #SunSmart