How understanding Covid-19 should inform what we do.

Our CEO, Orla Dolan, explains what COVID-19 is, and how understanding more about the virus helps us protect ourselves.

Link to the article referenced in the video:


Developing a Vaccine to Coronavirus

Our CEO Orla Dolan explains the process of developing a vaccine and gives an update on where we are now, in the development of a vaccine for the Coronavirus. Like with any clinical trials Breakthrough Cancer Research is part of, she outlines the 3 of 4 phases of clinical trial needed before a vaccine or drug can be approved for widespread use. There is great hope for a vaccine and we would like to encourage everyone to hold firm and stay positive.

Here is a link to a clear and insightful article in The Lancet about the different approaches.…/PIIS0140-6736(20)31252…/fulltext

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