Evaluation of the Therapeutic and Adverse Potential Cannabinoids in vision and Uveal Melanoma
Marzia Pendino
Marzia Pendino was awarded an Irish Research Council Enterprise Partnership Scheme (Postgraduate) grant with Breakthrough Cancer Research as the Enterprise Partner
This project investigates the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids in vision and uveal melanoma (UM). UM is a rare cancer of the eye. In approximately 50% of cases, liver metastasizes occurs which decreases life expectancy. Ireland has one of the highest UM incidences worldwide.
During her 4 year PhD, Marzia will analyse the expression of cannabinoid CB1 & CB2 receptors in human UM cell lines and patient/xenograft samples. She will test if cannabinoid drugs modulate cancer hallmarks (proliferation, metabolism, angiogenesis) in human primary/metastatic UM cell lines and zebrafish xenografts. Marzia will also determine if cannabinoids can restore vision in zebrafish models of blindness. This study will potentially lead to new therapies for UM.
Conference presentations
IARC Conference 2022, Cork, Ireland. Title: “Evaluating Cannabinoid Receptors as a Therapeutic Target for Uveal Melanoma”
AVRO Conference 2022, Denver, USA. Title: “Evaluating Cannabinoid Receptors as a Therapeutic Target for Uveal Melanoma”
Irish Melanoma Forum 2022, Dublin, Ireland. Title: “Evaluating Cannabinoid Receptors as a Therapeutic Target for Uveal Melanoma”
International Cannabinoid Research Society Conference 2022, Galway, Ireland. Title: “Evaluating Cannabinoid Receptors as a Therapeutic Target for Uveal Melanoma”
British Pharmacology Society Conference 2022, Liverpool, UK. Title “Evaluating Cannabinoid Receptors as a Therapeutic Target for Uveal Melanoma”
IARC Conference 2023, Athlone, Ireland. Title: “Evaluating Cannabinoid Receptors as a Therapeutic Target for Uveal Melanoma”
EACR-AACR Basic & Translation Research Conference 2024. Title “The metastatic uveal melanoma cell line DMM 2.5 displays selective sensitivity to the synthetic cannabinoid HU-210.”
Irish Melanoma Forum 2024, Dublin, Ireland. Title: “Targeting Uveal Melanoma with a Potent Cannabinoid: Insights from Cells, OPDX and Patient Biopsy”
Start year
End year
Principal investigator
Prof. Breandan Kennedy
Marzia Pendino
University College Dublin
Grant Funding
IRC Enterprise Scheme in partnership with Breakthrough Cancer Research
Linked to Breakthrough Research Priorities
Increase research investment into poor prognosis cancers and currently incurable cancers prioritising lung, oesophageal, ovarian, pancreatic, brain, liver and stomach cancers.
Fund the discovery and development of new therapeutics, surgical approaches and technologies, including biological and immune approaches, to improve cancer treatment.
Fund research which aims to improve the effectiveness or specificity of current cancer therapies including investing in biomarkers discovery, nutrition and therapeutic delivery.